
...and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.

— ACTS 1:8 —


At Refuge City Church, we believe we have the great responsibility to live out the great commission. Our mission mindset is to reach people with the Gospel at home, in our communities, and around the world. For this reason, we support missionaries both here at home and on the other side of the globe. However, we don’t just financially support those on the mission field, we GO on the mission field as well.

  • Lake Elsinore Dream Center

    DCLE has been called to restore and rebuild the people and property of Lake Elsinore physically, emotionally, and spiritually. The men, women, and families we help will go on to share the love they’ve received, pass on the hope they have been given, and make transformation possible for others.


    As a church, we participate in DCLE's Adopt-A-Block program. The last Saturday of the month is dedicated to helping clean up, restore, and reach out to the community in downtown LE. The whole family is welcome to participate.

  • Social Work Action Group

    Social Work Action Group's (SWAG) mission is to advocate, educate, and inspire marginalized individuals and families in the Inland Empire to achieve sustainable independence through community support.


    We partner with SWAG at their residential home, The Anchor. We provide meals, fellowship, bible study, and prayer for the residents. You can provide a Monday night meal by signing up here: Meal Train

  • Student Venture Ministries

    Student Venture Ministries is an organization dedicated to making dramatic changes in the lives of young people and the world around them. In essence, we are about winning students to Christ, building them in the Word of God, and sending them out to do likewise...Win. Build. Send!


    One of SVM's functions is to meet students where they are at by helping them establish & promote Bible Clubs on campus. SVM staff is always looking for volunteers and/or support at each campus in various ways. Contact SVM for more details. Also, if you have a middle school or high school student(s), highly encourage them to attend their campus club!

  • Breath of Heaven

    The vision of Breath of Heaven Ministries is to continue the development of a children's village just outside of Lusaka, Zambia, Africa. It will include 14 children's homes, a church, a school (pre-school through high school), and a medical clinic.


    You can support BOH by sponsoring one or more of the children at the Village. There are other ways to financially support the ministry's school, teachers, medical clinic, and more. As a church, we will be planning trips to BOH in the future.

  • Annie Armstrong Easter Offering

    Your prayers and gifts to the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering® provide support for thousands of missionaries. These men and women are planting new churches in unreached communities and meeting needs through compassion ministries. Every day, lives are being impacted and transformed.


    We as a church plant with the SBC/NAMB were the direct recipients of nationwide support from the AAEO. Therefore, we give back annually to help support other church plants in North America. Be on the lookout for donation envelopes during the Easter season.

  • imb

    Through the International Mission Board (IMB), the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering® is an annual offering collected by believers around the world to support international missions. This offering is unique from other mission offerings in that 100% of gifts provide for missionaries all over the world.


    We as a church support those serving the Lord on the international mission field by giving to the LMCO annually. Be on the lookout for donation envelopes during the Christmas season.
